This style presents a retro-futuristic style, combining virtual reality, still life, and human elements. The color palette is dominated by soft greens, accented with red, creating a calm and mysterious atmosphere. The works convey a retro yet avant-garde visual experience through smooth textures and realistic depictions.
Style Analysis
Color: This style primarily use soft green as the main color, creating a calm and retro atmosphere. The red accents increase the contrast and visual impact of the image, making it more appealing.
Lighting: The lighting is soft and even, without strong contrasts of light and shadow, giving the overall image a calm and harmonious atmosphere. This lighting technique enhances the sense of space and depth in This style.
Design Technique: This set of images employs a realistic painting style, combined with elements of 3D modeling, giving the image a more three-dimensional and realistic feel. The objects in This style are intricately depicted, while the backgrounds complement them with a minimalist design, creating a retro yet avant-garde visual experience.
Application Scenarios
Art Exhibitions and Cultural Events: This style can be applied to art exhibitions and cultural events, attracting audiences interested in art and culture through its retro and avant-garde visuals. It can be used for exhibition posters, brochures, and on-site installations, enhancing the artistic atmosphere and cultural connotation of the event.